Going straight is permissible if done with caution, § 8 Ⅱ StVO, but I would not recommend that.Making a U‑turn or right-hand turn would be no issue, since this would not interfere with traffic (assuming properly dimensioned streets).x has to yield traffic as indicated by the sign, § 8 Ⅰ StVO.§ 37 Ⅱ StVO concerns traffic lights at intersections. Stopping before entering the intersection is not a hard requirement, because the traffic lights do not regulate the intersection but an “isolated” pedestrian crossing.Nevertheless, if safely stopping required entering the intersection, it’s not an issue here, § 4 Ⅰ 2 StVO. Keeping intersections clear is a general consideration, say for emergency services. Seeing the red light, y correctly does not enter the intersection, because it would block the intersection, § 11 Ⅰ StVO.The nuisance of potentially waiting for all the traffic on the main road is a notion alien to the law.Ampelmann Berlin has compiled a nice overview of the traffic light men in Germany and around the world. International comparison also reveals exciting and curious variations of the traffic light man. In Mainz, the cartoon mascots or »Mainzelmännchen« from the German broadcaster ZDF shine, and in Hanover an angel and a moose adorn the traffic lights at Christmas time. In Bremen, the town musicians regulate pedestrian traffic. Since then, numerous new and unusual versions of the traffic light man have sprung up in many German cities. The traffic light men in Germany and worldwide Visually based on the eastern traffic light man, the traffic light woman has since been introduced in several German cities. In his ✻uch vom Ampelmännchen« (Book on the Traffic Light Man), published in 1997, the East German traffic light woman appeared for the first time, designed by graphic artist Hans-Jürgen Ellenberger. In 1997, Heckhausen finally founded AMPELMANN GmbH and has since been selling various products, such as T-shirts, key rings, mugs, backpacks and much more, under his registered trademark. In 1995, Heckhausen came up with the idea of making lamps out of disused traffic lights. The East German traffic light man was and still is particularly popular with tourists.

The »Ostalgie« (Eastern nostalgia) and marketing ideas of the product designer Markus Heckhausen eventually turned the traffic light man into a cult object and symbol for Berlin as a reunified capital. The aim was to preserve a piece of the GDR and a sense of home in the East. However, the population protested against this, which led to the founding of the committee »Save the traffic lights!«. After reunification, the popular traffic wardens ran the risk of ending up in the rubbish they were dismantled and replaced by their West German counterparts.
Following a short intro with the two animated traffic light men, short films about road traffic showed children how to behave safely as pedestrians and in accordance with the traffic rules. The episodes were broadcast as part of the evening programme »Unser Sandmännchen«. The DEFA director Friedrich Rochow developed 60 episodes of the award-winning children’s programme »Verkehrskompass« (Traffic Compass) with the cartoon characters Stiefelchen (Little Boots) and Kompass-Kalle, both based on the appearance of the traffic light men.
In the 1980s, the traffic light men even became TV stars. The signals were now suitable for colour-blind and visually impaired people, and children in particular could understand and respond to them better. Several more years passed until the traffic light man was trialed on Unter den Linden in 1969, which proved to be a complete success. The figures were too large and did not fit into the pre-existing traffic light systems, so they then had to be scaled down and simplified. The introduction of the traffic light man was delayed for several years. The first traffic light men arrive on Unter den Linden Only Peglau’s intended direction of travel was changed the socialist traffic light man was to run from right to left. But in the end, the red and green men passed the critical examination of the authorities. Peglau was probably a bit apprehensive about the bourgeois-capitalist symbol, namely the hat that the traffic light man wore on his head.

Above all, it was intended that children orientate themselves to the friendly little men. From a psychological point of view, the original traffic lights were to be supplemented by colour-shape signals to make pedestrians more aware of them. The aim was to reduce the risk of accidents in the face of increasing road traffic. On 13 October 1961, the GDR’s chief traffic psychologist, Karl Peglau, presented his first design of the East German traffic light man to the traffic commission in East Berlin.